How to Train your Brain to Trust your INTERNAL GPS

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Jun 26 2023 19 mins  

Learn How to Train your brain for success and learn how to TRUST your internal GPS. In the Law of Attraction, we know that you have to know what you don't want in order to know what you do want. And yet so many of us stay in the energy of what we want nothing to do with. We are trapped in our own MIND unable to STOP our negative thoughts or PIVOT in the opposite direction. The Key is to rewire your brain and learn to follow your internal GPS to your desired outcome. In this video, I share the tools and the amazing people who can help you get on the right PATH and follow the SCIENCE for yourself. Learn how to train your brain to make new neuro Pathways. It is time to say Goodbye to the Bad days and get ready to follow the flow (life) downstream.

To learn more about Heaven's Compass and Zen Cryar Debrucke's work ...
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What this Video second with Linda Lang on @ExploringTheMysticalSideofLife

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