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Nov 09 2023 15 mins  

S4 E4 ZKYE Compson-Harris. Zkye & Damo Port Noarlunga Blues Festival 2023. Listen for the BAND IT ABOUT scoop announcement during this episode!

Zkye is a 2x SA Blues Awards Female Vocalist of the year, whose powerhouse vocals have earned rave reviews and a devoted following of fans both here in Australia and overseas.

Zkye will be performing at the Port Noarlunga Blues festival in duo mode with her partner and fellow Zkye Blue Band member Damien Steele-Scott, accompanying on acoustic guitar, entertaining the audience performing a selection of original and blues and rock classics.

During the interview Di Spillane asks Zkye:

Q1. When did you and your partner Damian first begin performing together as a duo? Q2. Which PNBF has been your favorite or the most memorable for you so far? Q3. What do you enjoy most about performing with Damo?

Q4. What do you enjoy about playing at this festival?

Q5. What can your fans expect to hear when you perform this year?

Q6. What do you have coming up after the festival? Q7. Do you have plans on releasing a new album?

Zkye and Damo will be performing at the South Port Surf Club on Sunday the 26th of November, a fantastic afternoon of Blues and Roots music featuring three great Artists: kicking off at 2pm with Kelly Brouhaha, followed by AP D'Antonio & Winston Robinson at 3:20, and finishing off the day with Zkye & Damo who will be performing from 4:40 until 6pm. Tickets are available online through Trybooking for $40 general admission and $35 for concession card holders. https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1117501

Port Noarlunga Blues Festival www.zkye.com.au

Zkye's bands: Zkye Blue Kickass Cowgirls Custard Pie Zkye YouTube Sing It Live YouTube channel. Zkye's tracks

BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series BAND IT ABOUT Theme song was written by Catherine Lambert and Michael Bryant.

BAND IT ABOUT - Podcast Series Host Creator Di Spillane

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