Stop The Battle in The Mind - The Power of Imagination Podcast

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Jul 22 2024 9 mins  

Today's Special and sponsor: You know, there's a battle in the mind. In most people, there's a battle in the mind. And I've got proof for you today that your mind is not designed for battle. Because if it was, the war would be over, wouldn't it? It's really not that good at battle because it keeps going on and on and on. So the war of worry Just eats you alive. Today's show is sponsored by We did three live calls on the Pearl. Go read the story, tattoo the quote to the inside of your eyelids and change your life. Right now you can get all three for the price of one. What does that even mean? Go there and find out. But let's dive in. Battle in the mind. You don't need to have that anymore. You will continuously have it as long as you believe that the mind is what matters. The mind is not what matters. Your mind will drive you mental if that's what you think. If you assume that the rearview mirror is how you steer the car, you're gonna crash. And when you explain to the police officer, I shouldn't have crashed, I was twisting the rearview mirror as hard as I could, right? Things get questioned, don't they? Like your sanity. So looking into the past at all times, trying to figure out what went wrong, what to do different, what to do next, in your mind, what they did before, what grudges I can hold, And projecting that into the future using your mind. Grandpa would say mind your own business. But let's keep going. Your mind is not meant for war. And when you put this huge responsibility onto it that it isn't designed for, you get endless war. Endless inner conversations that suck the life out of you. Stop it. By the way, we did a live call on that too. Email me if you want some details. Or to get the recording. Because you don't have to live with endless inner arguments. Good, bad, indifferent. At the end of the day, the inner arguments get you nowhere. Blaming the inner arguments and trying to change them, a lot of people try that, by the way. Righty-o, if I can just change that inner argument and win it, or if I can just stop the inner argument and do affirmations, that's like, that's like blaming the radio. Radio. God, I love the radio in my new car. I got me a new, used, collectible Mercedes Benz. It took me 77 minutes to manifest it. One imaginal act, completely surrendered to, the lightning bolt moved through me, and 77 minutes later, um, that's almost exactly the right amount of time. Might have been 78, might have been 92. Certainly wasn't any longer than that. 77 minutes later, there were no inner arguments. There was place to play in the playground of possibilities. When you stop putting this heavy burden on your mind, you can enter the playground of possibilities. Because you can blame the rocks in the sky, you can blame the rocks in your pocket, you can even blame your mind. If you blame the rocks in the sky, you gotta wait for the rocks in the sky. If you blame the rocks in your pocket, and you lose one of them, You've lost your marbles. On the other hand, you notice the name of the podcast? The name of the podcast is The Power of Imagination because without imagination there is no manifestation. Not everyone plays with pictures or sticky tape. Not everyone does affirmations. In other words, not everyone is blaming the music in the car or the rear view mirror. What they're doing is they're actually driving the car, and you're always driving the car too. How effectively you drive the car determines what you understand about it. And I'm inviting you to explore the car. I actually think it's a little more complicated than that, so let's dive into that. Ready? Neville Goddard says every desire has its own plan and its own power of fulfillment. So I don't gotta plan it out, I don't gotta activate, well, I don't gotta push, right? I don't even have to use the power to push the car, or the plane. But you see, most people are living lives like they're the passenger, not the pilot. And they're sitting in the passenger seat, waiting for more peanuts, hoping they don't hit turbulence, hoping they get there on time. Meanwhile, the pilot's up front, doing what the pilot does. What the pilot mostly does is sit there while the autopilot takes care of almost everything. Almost all the time. I've had some lovely, lovely chats with pilots. I used to fly around the world a lot. And then I got tired of doing that. But they'd tell me most of the time, it's not me. It's the autopilot. And either me or the co pilot's gotta be with the autopilot. Just in case. We gotta make an adjustment. Take command of the plane. See, there's where you have free will and where you don't. You can choose any state.