Are YOU Manifesting with FIRE??? - The Power of Imagination Podcast

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Jul 24 2024 3 mins  

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Are you on fire with desire or are you just settling for the warm fuzzy of fantasy?

My name is Mr 2020 You are listening to the Power of Imagination Podcast.

What else can I say?

Are you on fire with your desire?

Are you willing to burn your house down?

Your old dwelling place?

Neville Goddard says your dwelling place is the state that you most commonly return to and most people never leave mommy and daddy's basement.

Let's just be honest here.

Are you settling for living in a dungeon or not? Are you on fire for your desire, willing to imagine what moves you so that you actually move?

So that the stored sunlight within you is released and unleashed on the world?

So that you dance your dance?

So that you sing your song?

Or are you just having a warm fuzzy of fantasy? The warm fuzzy of fantasy will have you, Yeah, I'm makin moves, I'm feelin it real, 20. But when I come back to reality, reality hits me in the face.

You get that's visceral.

People say, oh, I'm experiencing my warm fuzzy fantasy, but reality smacks me around, it hits me in the face.

You've got some choices today. So do I. By the way, this is what I call opening up. I just got out of the shower. I got out of the hot tub, got out of the shower.

I don't have the time to do this.

But I have to unleash this on the world, because I've imagined what I've imagined.

I've accepted my destiny as a happy, loving teacher. And when a message shows up, I speak it forth.

In other words, I don't wait for people to show up, right?

Waiting for people to show up is like, if you had a radio station, do you sit around and wait until enough people tune into your frequency?

You get the dumb shit.

Oh yeah, finally a hundred thousand people have tuned into my frequency.

Now I'll broadcast.

Sharing is caring.

If I wasn't sharing what was showing up, I wouldn't care about you. I wouldn't care about the message. I care.

So I share. I share it as it shows up.

If you got gold, I keep dropping hints.

You know what to do. Dive deeper, soar higher. You can do that with us. You can do it on your own.

I really don't care.

I want you to spread your wings so that you can soar higher and higher, but you're not going to spread your wings.

You know, by sitting around and being a waiter, you have to move from wanting and waiting to something far more fun. Keep listening.

Dive deeper.

Soar higher.

I double dog dare you to share this.

And I triple-dog dare you to reach out to me.

And I quadruple dog dare you to dive deeper and soar higher with us.

And let me know that this blessed you. See ya. Oh yeah, that's right.