Episode 97 "Trust & Thanks > Worry"

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Apr 16 2020 8 mins  

On this episode I talk about worry. When you find yourself worrying, try to remember that God is always in control. Trust the big picture plan He has that you do not see. Learn and grow as you go. Don't take yourself too serious, your life story is 1 book in one library in 1 town on 1 planet in 1 galaxy in Gods universe yet Gods Grace and Love are fully present always. The very breath you have been given is a gift. (I think we are all being reminded of that these days) I like to write down lists of what I'm grateful for whenever I'm feeling anything other than blessed. I also like to ask myself what could life be trying to tell me thru this circumstance. Chose to Trust + Thank God. Worrying about things you cant control is a complete waste of time. Learn to lean on God and appreciate the blessings.