Episode 102 "Gratitude 102"

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Dec 31 2020 17 mins  

On episode 102 I wanted to talk about that next level gratitude, that "even tho" gratitude, that 2020 learning how to be grateful in the midst of a pandemic type gratitude. It's pretty easy to say thank you "for the" _____ (inset blessing) but it takes a deeper level of gratitude to be able to give thanks while facing trials and tribulations but thats when you REALLY need to practice gratitude. Last night my daughter had a seizure for the first time in nearly a year (way to end 2020 right) it was her 3rd ever but I'm past the point where I feel like "why is my kid going through this" or resenting God because "I should be immune to facing trials in life". Nowhere in the Bible does God promise us that by being in relationship we will not face trials, in fact, it says "the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike". I'm grateful that the Bible does promise that whatever storm I face I don't have to go through alone and that even when I'm not strong enough His strength is made perfect in my weakness. Last night rather than my mind instantly going to why me I decided to pray and trust God that it would be OK and I decided to THANK GOD for the last time he brought her home after she had a seizure and I decided to THANK GOD for allowing my daughter to go nearly a year without having a seizure knowing it could be a lot worse. I thought about how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to love her for more than a year since the first one she had when I prayed to God to please give me one more day with her. 2020 has taught me a lot of lessons and while I have compassion for those that lost loved ones and those living in fear (I'm praying for you daily), I have encountered countless families whose priorities have shifted for the BETTER because of 2020, people who are now having diner regularly with their children, people who have gotten closer with God, people who are doing homework with their kids, people who aren't avoiding difficult conversations with their spouses and actually making room for healing to take place. 2020 has been CHALLENGING and it has forced us all to grow and adapt but I pray it's been a year filled with LOVE and great joyful moments and a year you can truly be grateful for "even tho" there were unexpected challenges. If you made it through 2020 you are blessed! I love you and as always appreciate the blessings!