Episode 105 "Love & Basketball"

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Jun 24 2021 20 mins  

On this episode I talk about this revelation of how God's grace really works during a game of around the world. There's something about knowing you won't be punished for your misses (sin= missing the mark) that actually frees you to seek progression without fear. Knowing our sins have already been paid for in life because He (Jesus Christ) stepped in and fulfilled the JUSTICE required in the Law of Moses for ALL OF US. Knowing this allows us to willingly follow a God that loves us enough to do that, knowing this frees us from sin consciousness it doesn't bind us to the law. The Law was to make us aware of why we need grace and to help us understand God's character. The Bible may have been used as an instrument to control but the gospel of Jesus Christ is a love story and a tool to set us FREE. We ALL do things that wouldve been considered sin but because of what He did we can recognize just how much we needed and continue to need God's grace in our lives moment to moment. Many people fear this revelation will lead to more evil in the world and I get it but that comes from fear and a lack of empathy and understanding that everyone already has Christ's spirit in them, the very breath of life is from Him. Soooo many people are actually living in sin because they dont feel accepted because they dont love themselves because they don't understand the TRUTH about God's love because they dont in their hearts understand how they can be forgiven for some of the things they've done in their past because they dont yet understand that God decided to put flesh on His very word and Spirit to RESTORE humanities connection with the Divine Source of LIFE AND LOVE by willingly accepting the punishment/justice/karma for every single sin (wrong thought, word, action) ever committed all the way back to Adam not trusting His father and not believing God Loved Him enough to not withhold anything from Him that was for His good.I hope this episode blesses you and as always appreciate the blessings!