Episode 10 Teenagers Needing Attention, Why Teenagers go to prison, Teenage daughter boyfriend problems

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Mar 13 2020 54 mins  

Teenagers Needing Attention: In Episode #10 of the Terrible Teens Talks show Richie tells a couple of stories about adults in Prison that wanted their parents attention so much that behaving badly and breaking the law was the only thing that got them to spend time with them. Richie talks to parents about how critical it is to see and hear your children even after they start feeding, clothing and dressing themselves. He shares a story about a mom who had to raise her brothers and sisters and never wanted to be like her mom and ended up modeling her behavior and regrets every moment of it. This episode is packed with inspiring words that every parent that has a teenager that they don't understand, is misbehaving, not going to school, disrespectful and angry. All Teenagers Need Attention until they reach the age of 25 that is when they start understanding their emotions and become more mature about their existence and their place in the world.  

Coach Richie also takes questions from a mom who is struggling with a 15 year old daughter that is hanging around with a boy that she hasn't met and demands to meet the boy and his parents. Coach Richie coaches her through some of the beliefs she may be bringing up from her own childhood and how this could be affecting her relationship and need of control of her teenage daughter. He also takes a question from a parent calling themselves the worst parent ever because she is angry about her 18 year old son's lack of time management. Then he coaches a mom to help her understand the root of her teenage son constant lying and what options she has to stop this behavior.  

A weekly show where coach Richie takes questions from parents on the challenges they are having with their Teenage son or daughter. Provides some support, advice and coaching to help them find a way to make breakthrough those difficult behaviors. He covers everything from drinking, drugs, hating, hanging around with the wrong crowds, rebellion, laziness, sibling rivalry, vaping, mental health challenges and much more.   

Coach Richie has worked with thousands of young adults that rebelled in their teenage years and either ended up in prison or addicted to alcohol and drugs. Their parents didn't have the resources and tools they needed to save their children. This show is a tool and a resource a parent raising a teen can use to help them through this most difficult stage in their child's life. We thought the two's were terrible. We had no idea what was to come. So check it out. 

Send in your questions to [email protected] and get some advice on what you need to eliminate the stress out of your life and help your teenager become a successful and emotionally intelligent adult. 

 Looking to Discover Drama Free Parenting check out more resources at 
