Know Your Rights As An Airline Passenger

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Jul 28 2021 23 mins  

In this episode I chat one on one with Charles Leocha who is the President and Co-Founder of Travelers United. Based in Washington, DC, they work tirelessly with the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Congress, other travel regulators, and travel stakeholders, Travelers United testifies regularly before Senate and House committees and discusses consumer issues with travel associations that represent all modes of travel.

Government, travel providers, consumers, and travel agents all form a web of travel rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are not set arbitrarily but are created through a deliberative process — a process where Travelers United provides a strong consumer voice.

In 2009, Mr. Leocha co-founded Travelers United, authored the book Travel Rights, and has appeared on hundreds of radio stations and TV programs representing consumer interests. He was the first consumer appointed to the Department of Transportation’s Advisory Committee for Aviation Consumer Protections and served in that position for six years.