War on traditional America

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Sep 30 2021 6 mins  

I cannot avoid the feeling that our corrupt, progressive, greedy Marxist elites have sold out America for parts.

Like never before in Judeo-Christian history, everything appears to be upside down. We can’t get rid of the impression that we’ve lost virtually everything close to our hearts. Our liberties, our freedoms, our history, our traditions, our common sense, our human dignity, our Constitution, and our way of life.

Our politicians, our schools, our colleges, and our media organizations keep telling us that our morals, our values, and our principles are outdated. Yes, antiquated, obsolete, and out-of-fashion.  They must be replaced with something more contemporary, trendy, and politically correct. 

We appear to be cornered and out of options. What is at play? Virtually everything. Our American Dream, American Way of Life. Our American spirit. Our American soul.

We are experiencing the Second American revolution. This time, not with weapons, at least not yet. It is imposed on us by our enemies within who despise America and everything our country stands for.

For almost a century, America is a thorn in the eye of Marxist ideology. Not because our beloved country might be bad in any way, just the opposite. Since the founding of America, we were the “shiny city on the hill,” a political system no dictatorship would ever be able to compete with.