100-year Washing Machine

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Apr 28 2020 33 mins   2

The goal of the Permanere association’s team is to developed especially longlived and resource-efficient products. Since 2017, Peter Knobloch, Daniel Kloboucnik, Bernhard Ranner, and Billie Rehwald have worked on a washing machine. Its construction focuses entirely on maximizing service life, ease of maintenance and repair, and the availability of replacement parts for all the individual components. The project was supported within the BMDW’s aws impulse XS program by aws – austria wirtschaftsservice. Awarded the Distributed Design Award by VIENNA DESIGN WEEK and Maker Faire.

With: Peter Knobloch (Developer, Permanere)


Aufnahme, Schnitt, Nachbearbeitung: Valentin Eisendle

Grafik: Bueronardin

Jingle: Clemens Posch