Episode 14 - Dr. Rebecca Heiss: Tame the irrational fears of your primitive brain as you design a life of success on your terms.

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Nov 01 2022 52 mins  

Today’s guest on the podcast is Dr. Rebecca Heiss. She’s a doctor of evolutionary biology and an electrifying keynote speaker. Her mission is to deliver science-backed solutions that help people overcome living on autopilot so that they can consciously craft a better life.

This episode may be particularly interesting if, like me, you sometimes feel like you’re on the hamster wheel of needing to produce increasingly more successful months in your business. As opposed to feeling relieved because you’ve performed well on past projects, you only feel heightened anxiety to perform even better in the times ahead.

I wanted Rebecca on the podcast because, in addition to having academic credentials, she’s also a straight shooter. She’s insightful AND fun. She wants to help us all be less fearful and more happy!