Pills, Powder and Smoke with Antony Loewenstein

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Nov 07 2020 44 mins   19

About the episode

In this episode, Esther and Felix welcome Antony Loewenstein to talk about his recent book "Pills, Powder, and Smoke - Inside the Bloody War on Drugs". His book looks into the genesis, implementation and consequences of anti-drug policies, challenging binary narratives opposing legal and illegal markets; organized crime groups versus states. Loewenstein calls into question the actual benefactors of the war on drugs and brings to light its financial and human costs in source, transit and destination countries. Find the show notes for this episode below.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed during the interview do not necessarily represent the views and opinions by Crime Spot or its producers.


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Show notes

About: Antony

Official website: https://antonyloewenstein.com/

Twitter: @antloewenstein

Book: Pills, Powder and Smoke: Inside the Bloody War on Drugs