S 7 Ep 1: Artist Vanessa Prager Interview

Episode Artwork
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Mar 15 2023 35 mins   1

Guess who is back!?!?! - VANESSA PRAGER - who is even more generous with her spirit and knowledge the second time around. Prager created her current show Diane Rosenstein, (seriously if you're not familiar click through so you know what kind of genius we are talking to) while pregnant and she talked to us VERY SOON after having a baby!?! And she's still painting?! She goes through her career, her practice, how things evolve, how her self-esteem has evolved and the amount of GENUINE GOLD she gives us is staggering. 


Vanessa Prager - vprager.com, @vanessaprager

HOP S 3 Ep 12: Vanessa Prager First Interview! 

Vanessa Prager Portraits at Diane Rosenstein 

Alexis Hyde - @hydeordie, alexishyde.com   

Dr. Erika Wong; - @topractisepractice, www.topractisepractice.com 

Email us: [email protected]

Music by Alexander Rossi: AlexanderRossi.me