178: Post Remediation: Should I test right away?

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Jul 26 2024 20 mins  

There’s a lot of misconceptions about when to test after remediation…

Do you wait weeks to test? Or do you test right away?

So, today I explore the optimal timing for dust testing following home cleaning and mold remediation. Plus, I provide a clear framework on when and why you should conduct follow-up tests.

Tune in to learn about post-remediation verification testing, the importance of establishing a baseline, and how to effectively assess your home's environment to ensure your remediation efforts were successful.

This topic was inspired by a fantastic question from our email community! 🎉

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Your voice matters, and I’m excited to help you with expert insights tailored just for you 🌟

00:00 Introduction and Topic Overview

01:01 Understanding Post-Remediation Testing

02:31 Establishing a New Baseline

04:38 The Importance of Immediate Testing

06:31 When to Consider Additional Testing

10:30 Balancing Health and Testing

16:36 Consulting with Health Practitioners

18:51 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Not sure the best way to get started? Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running… Step 1: Subscribe To Our YouTube! Step 2: Want a Test More Advanced Than ERMI? ⁠⁠https://thedusttest.com ⁠ Step 3: Already Have An ERMI? Find Out What It Actually Means. ⁠⁠https://ERMICode.com ⁠ Step 4: Text Me (yes, it’s really me!) The Mold Phone: 949-528-8704 Step 5: Book A FREE Consultation: yesweinspect.com/call/?wi-attribute=mfr178