Deftone's White Pony is 20 — so what do the guys really think of Nu Metal?

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Jul 13 2020 77 mins  

On this episode of the Into the Void music podcast, the 20th anniversary of the release of the Deftone's breakthrough album "White Pony" has the guys talking Nu Metal. How did the Deftones figure into the Nu Metal movement, and why were they inspired to make such a huge sonic shift? The guys also talk about Nu Metal pioneers Korn, while the "Great Debate" sees Dave, Lord Gates, Wild Bill and Jay Man listing their top 5 Nu Metal albums of all time. In the feature interview, Bill and Dave catch up with Dan Spain of Nu Metal band Downthesun (and Dogs of Neptune), a band whose self-titled album Bill lists in his top 5. Which Nu Metal singer did Dan accidentally punch in the face? Find out on this episode of the Into the Void music podcast!