Top 5 Best Picture Winners of the last 25 years with guest Tyler Banark

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Mar 20 2022 56 mins  

The 94th Academy Awards are right around the corner and to discuss all things Oscars is fellow member of the Critics Circle and League of Cinephiles, Mr. Tyler Banark - @tylerbanarkreviewsmovies.

Join us on this episode as we make our predictions for the 'Big 4' Awards - Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Director and Best Picture for the 2022 Academy Awards show next weekend, THEN deep dive into the last 25 years worth of Best Picture winners and discuss our Top 5 Favourite films of the bunch. Some fun surprises on this episode!

Deep Divers, as always chime in on social media with your personal Top 5 Favourite Best Picture Winners of the last 25 years and head over to any of the following links where you can check out Tyler's amazing work: ; ; Letterboxd - tybanarkmovies ; Instagram - @tylerbanarkreviewsmovies.