Episode #137: Barehug!

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May 20 2024 66 mins  
Today's hosts: Bentolas, Gershom, and Flerpy NEWS PANDAMONIUM IS HERE https://www.wowhead.com/news/why-were-in-pandaria-eternus-the-infinite-and-a-new-perspective-on-the-past-339191?webhook MYTHIC GHUUN AND NZOTH NOW SOLOABLE. HAVENT TRIED YET https://www.wowhead.com/news/mythic-nzoth-and-mythic-ghuun-now-soloable-in-patch-10-2-7-340167?webhook ALLERIA SHORT STORY https://www.wowhead.com/news/new-warcraft-short-story-a-whisper-of-warning-339232?webhook NOBBEL READS IT. I LOVE HIS VOICE SO BET IM LISTENING TO THAT https://www.google.com/search?q=alleria+short+story&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS914US914&oq=alleria+short+story&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgcIARAhGKABMgcIAhAhGKABMgcIAxAhGKABMgcIBBAhGKABMgcIBRAhGKAB0gEIMjgwNmowajeoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:e78d971e,vid:o2sB6vYthhM,st:0 SPEAKING OF BOOKS AND STORIES THE VOICES WITHIN SHORT STORY COLLECTION https://www.wowhead.com/news/the-voices-within-short-story-collection-cover-revealed-339239?webhook https://www.wowhead.com/news/blizzard-confirms-daily-lockouts-for-many-mop-raids-until-wow-remix-ends-340543 DAILY LOCKOUT WILL IT MAKE IT MUCH EASIER TO GET THE BONES OF MANNOROTH AND BRONZE YOU WILL NEED TO PURCHASE ALL THE GARROSH HEIRLOOMS WHICH ARE.... Hellscream's Decapitator Hellscream's Warbow Hellscream's Barrier Hellscream's Tome of Destruction Hellscream's Pig Sticker Hellscream's Doomblade Hellscream's War Staff Hellscream's Shield Wall Hellscream's Cleaver Hellscream's Razor Hellscream's Warmace Each heirloom costs 2x Bones of Mannoroth and 8000x Bronze Bronze EYE OF THE LEGION PET AVAILABLE AS A TWITCH DROP UNTIL MAY 30TH https://www.wowhead.com/news/eye-of-the-legion-twitch-drop-available-may-16th-30th-watch-4-hours-of-wow-to-340542?webhook WARBAND BANK GOLD CAPS AT JUST SHORT OF 1 BILLION GOLD https://www.wowhead.com/news/warband-bank-gold-cap-discovered-by-zanzarful-in-the-war-within-alpha-340540?webhook MRRRGL PACK Green Snugglefin Murloc Romper which includes both the Happy and Angry Hood variants. Baby Murloc Satch’Shells Murkmorpher Toy Murkastrasza Pet https://www.wowhead.com/news/mrlgrl-pack-now-available-on-battle-net-store-340657?webhook NEW BACKPACKS KOBOLD AND EARTHEN THEME https://www.wowhead.com/news/new-earthen-and-kobold-themed-backpacks-in-the-war-within-340696?webhook Follow us in the places: @Woolly08 twt insta @HunterGershom twt @bentolas_outlaw twt @fleecythaflerpy twt @thrallsballspod twt insta tktk email us [email protected] leave a review in the spotify q&a or on itunes two other ways to leave us a review - go to thrallsballs.com and you can submit one anonymously. You can also join our discord server from the website, where we have a separate channel for reviews. Bye we love you be good