Episode 11 - Passive and Active Income - ways to sell your art and make money go from hobby to business

Episode Artwork
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Nov 23 2020 15 mins   3

Episode 11 is going to inspire you to look at ways to create both passive and active income streams to sell your art and make money go from hobby to business!

SO maybe you’re new to having a creative business, or perhaps you’ve been selling your art for a little while now and are working on ways to create a diverse stream of income.

Regardless of where you are at, I’m sure you’ll be inspired to pick a few ways that you generate revenue from your art and make sure to have a balance of both passive and active income streams!

Episode 11 is all about the beauty of making a living from your art and even making money while your sleep. Or paint. Or binge your favorite Netflix show! 

For years, I have taken multiple online business courses to help me grow and build my business so that it suits my needs, my schedule, and my income goals. Now, I haven’t always had success with what I’ve planned to do in my business, but when I find something that works, I feed that stream as much as a I can!

Creating passive and active income streams is something that I’ve blogged about, taught in a few of my classes and now am talking about here on the podcast because I believe that if you have a creative business, especially have a presence online, then you NEED to have a diverse income stream to help sustain you year around.

Thank you for joining me, your host Nicki Traikos.  I am an artist, instructor and creative business owner.

I started and built life I design in 2012 from home, while raising a family and learning how to juggle it all!

The podcast is my way of pulling back the curtain and inviting you to step into my home studio so we can get candid about all things art, business and life, to help YOU create a life that YOU design!

I hope you subscribe, press play today and tune in as I share my best tips, advice and encouragement!

To learn more, please visit...

Website: https://www.lifeidesign.com for blog posts, shop, current offerings;

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifeidesign/ is where I spend my time being social;

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/lifeidesign for my best watercolor tutorials;

Skillshare: https://www.skillshare.com/r/user/nickitraikos where I teach bite size art & calligraphy classes.