The Fearless Kitchen 69: Como Cuisine, Dempsey Hill & Latteria Bar, Emerald Hill - Singapore

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Oct 19 2017 24 mins  

Singapore is a wonderful melting pot of offerings of cuisine from all over the world. From air-conditioned malls filled with cafes, restaurants, pasta bars and dumpling houses to the side streets filled with character houses brimming with foodie options.

Dempsey Hill is a former barracks which houses fashion, food and furniture. Ambling from one spot to the next provides you with a day of temptations and none more than the Como enterprise with it’s well rounded options within one brand.

This interview with the expat Chef and bartender unravels a little of the scene in Singapore which is to be explored on a visit. Then we move onto the fascinating story of the Latteria Bar in Emerald Hill where mozzarella is the key signature of the restaurant.

My interview with the Owner of this mozzarella bar dives straight into the menu choices and the diverse range of Italian handmade cheeses on offer. Warning - this podcast is not designed to be heard when you are hungry!

Show Links:

Como Cuisine - Como Dempsey

Vanessa Baxter - The Fearless Kitchen