A meditation for new mothers

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Sep 19 2023 13 mins   1

This meditation is for the breastfeeding mother who finds herself at the intersection of myriad emotions and responsibilities. If you're feeling sleep-deprived, anxious about your baby and your milk supply, overwhelmed by the profound shift in your identity, torn between the roles of mother and wife, grappling with the loss of freedom, experiencing financial strain, succumbing to societal pressures to look a certain way, or feeling compelled to share every moment on social media, this meditation is here for you.

These complex and weighty concerns may have left you feeling disconnected from your transformed body and your newborn baby, contributing to your baby's fussiness and neediness. In the midst of this challenging journey, it's crucial to find moments of respite and self-compassion.

My hope is that this meditation will be your sanctuary, a haven where you can slow down, fully inhabit the present moment, and rediscover the beauty of your breath and your profound connection with your baby. It's an opportunity to explore the depths of your inner world, embrace the complexities of motherhood, and find the peace and strength within yourself to navigate this transformative path.

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