How to UNBLOCK YOUR Creativity to Live Your Best Life, with Mel Mason, the Clutter Expert

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May 21 2021 21 mins  

“We are all born with creativity and we get blocked.” 

I caught up with Mel Mason, the ‘clutter expert’ to talk about how to unlock your creativity so you can accomplish. 

Who’s Mel Mason?

International best-selling author Mel Mason is the clutter expert and sexual abuse survivor. She grew up depressed suicidal and surrounded by clutter which she realized after coming back from the brink of despair and getting through her own chaos was that the outside is just the mirror of the inside. 

Mel is on a mission to empower people around the world to get free from clutter inside and out so they can experience happiness and abundance. 

Mel, what do you mean by “clutter?”

Ultimately, I know people hear the word clutter and you automatically think of “stuff.” For me, clutter is within. We were all born connected to the divine. Throughout life things happen and we get clogged up and access to that flow gets blocked. Clutter is anything that blocks access to that flow that keeps you from being one with the divine. 

How do you unblock to let your creativity flow? The most important thing: I’m giving you the keys to the kingdom right now and everything in your life changes. Clutter whether it be physical stuff in our environment or the excess pounds we carry on our wastes or our stomachs, it all comes from one thing our avoidance of what's uncomfortable. we turn our attention away from what's uncomfortable and we avoid it. 

There's one answer: Turning towards oneself and be present for yourself. We're so conditioned to avoid ourselves. Perhaps you can relate to these scenarios. We write an email broadcast to our list and it gets uncomfortable. You don't know what to write. You go to the fridge instead. It's a relearning of being able to turn your attention just towards yourself. Become willing to stop for five minutes. Sit with your eyes closed. Pay attention to your breathing and just notice what it feels like to be you in your body. 

Getting uncomfortable with yourself is an ‘act of self-love’ to truly experience the ultimate success.   I was the cluttered messy kid where you couldn't walk in my room. My entire floor was covered and it wasn't just stuff, it was trash too. I was fine living like that. Only, I needed to do things differently. And as a result of learning how to be present for my own personal experience, I just spontaneously started clearing my environment, I went from someone who was fine living like that to someone who could no longer tolerate clutter, and learning to be present from my own experience in a non-judgmental loving space. 

What's next for you? My show, the Mel Mason Show is in production and will be scheduled to air this July. It's your birthright to experience happiness and abundance in every area of your life. This show is about bringing you experts that aren't just me that can help you address all the different levels of clutter and you have access that that divine flow of abundance and you're experiencing happiness. I’m also speaking at our local chapter on leadership, I guess I'm valedictorian. I've also been a vegetarian for a couple years and also went vegan. Now, I started reevaluating things and decided that I’m not going to be rigid about anything in my life. Now I no longer want any labels. I'm no longer vegan or vegetarian. I'll eat what I want, when I want. I’ll just choose to eat healthier but not Rigid. The point? To deliver our truest best version of ourself and to be comfortable in that Space. 

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