Duterte's Anti-Terror Law: Implications on Human Rights and Democracy in the Philippines Impacts on Filipino-Americans and Solidarity Allies Abroad

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Jul 20 2020 30 mins  

Why have there been large scale protests against the new Anti-Terror Law in the Philippines and even protests around the world? What does it mean for the diaspora and our allies? What can you do? 

This pilot episode examines questionable and concerning provisions in Republic Act 11479, or the Anti-Terror Act of 2020 (ATA), that threaten the human rights and democratic liberties of the Filipino people. We’ll cover particular provisions that allow the ATA to target non-citizens in the Philippines and have extraterritorial applications that may extend to Filipino Americans and immigrants—as well as non-Filipino critics abroad—who speak out against President Rodrigo Duterte's government. The Malaya Movement rises with the Filipino people to resist Duterte's dictatorship.

Learn more about the Anti-Terror Law and action steps you can take, as well as the Philippine Human Rights Act. This week, join Malaya Movement at People's State of the Nation Address (PSONA) actions and events happening near you! Lastly, if you are moved by this episode, please consider signing on to the Declaration of Unity statement for PSONA. Check out the links below:




