E72: Navigating The Multi-passionate Dilemma As An Artist

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Feb 19 2024 20 mins  

Hi friends! 🙌

In E72 I talk about how artists and creative entrepreneurs typically struggle with a phenomenon known as the "multi-passionate dilemma". The multi-passionate dilemma is when we have a variety of goals and dreams in life, and it's difficult to focus and choose on just one creative project. It's a combination of FOMO (The Fear of Missing Out), being unbalanced, and not taking action steps based on the highest version of your identity. 👍

I'm in the process of writing a book based on this topic as I think it's something that many of us struggle with in today's society (including myself!), and it's a worth while topic to dig into.

Thanks for the love and support friends, stay creative! 😀
