be nikki | how to talk to animals

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Mar 28 2022 12 mins  

Nikki Vasconez’s (she/her) career path started out as an attorney. Each day on her way to court, she would stop and hang out with the birds. She always talked to them like they understood her. Turns out… they DID understand her, and they also understand you!

Nikki did not grow up having two-way conversations with animals. As a young child, she enjoyed the presence of her many hamster, bunny, and guinea pig companions, but her communication with them consisted of unintentionally poking their eyeballs, pulling their tails, and hugging them a little too hard. It wasn’t until her late twenties that she learned animal communication was even possible!

One summer morning, it all started. At 7:00 AM, a blackbird in Nikki’s backyard said: “Hey! HEY, YOU!” She looked up at him and he said: “Yes, You! Hello!” “Me?” She responded. “Well, there’s no one else around is there?” Nikki sat speechlessly. Eventually, she said: “Show me what you do for fun!” He responded: “Now is not time for play. I’m working. I’ll be back at 3:00 PM to show you.” Nikki asked how she would know it was him, and he said he’d land on the exact same branch. He then let out the loudest, most unique sound Nikki had ever heard and flew away.

At 2:58 PM, a red robin landed on the fence right in front of Nikki and said: “Blackbird is going to be late. He’ll be here at 3:04.” She was lying on her deck waiting and at 3:04 she heard the same loud cry from that morning. She looked up and there he was on the exact same branch! He said: “Watch! This is what I do for fun!” He started jumping up vertically, branch after branch. He jumped up 3 levels and then back down and did it all over again. “See you tomorrow at 7 AM!” he said, then flew away.

The next 3 mornings he appeared on his branch at 7:00 AM, let out his cry to get Nikki’s attention, jumped up 3 levels, and flew away. This is the moment Nikki stopped doubting her abilities and allowed herself to accept and trust that she CAN communicate with animals.

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