Amie Batalibasi - AmieBatalibasi

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Jul 16 2019 117 mins  
Amie Batalibasi is a director and producer based out of Melbourne, Australia. Her award-winning short films have been shown at film festivals all over the world. Amie and Rebecca discuss Amie's path to filmmaking, how connecting with her family in the Solomon Islands helped her find the story that she absolutely must tell, and the challenges of directing and distributing micro-budget films. They also talk about their experiences in comedy improv classes, the Mumblecore film genre from the 90s, and Amie's work in teaching culturally diverse groups on how to tell their own stories. She has made an impact on communities through her work, and is incredibly inspiring. Amie is currently working on developing Blackbird as a feature film. You can find Amie Batalibasi as @amiebatalibasi on Instagram and Twitter and visit her website at Find us at and as @notnosypodcast on social media.