The essence of christ consciousness and how to access it

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Dec 21 2022 34 mins  

The essence Christ Consciousness and how to contact it

I this episode we will explore what Christ consciousness is and how to meld with it.  Here is a summary of what we will be discussing

In order to experience and know within yourself Christ Consciousness you have to completely strip yourself of your outer identity, your outer thoughts, your outer desires…. you need to take your energy back from all the places you have scattered it and bring your awareness, your desire, your searching for love and the truth back to your center…. knowing Christ Consciousness is the act of surrender, of self imploding…. going back into the black hole of the formless so you can experience all form as basically the same element, the same force, the same consciousness…. this consciousness is then always available to you to experience through the vehicle of any form for within the center of each form is Christ Consciousness, or the whole…. focusing on the whole like this gives you an incredible sense of freedom and power to know you are loved, held in the embrace and intelligence of God at all time… there is no separate time just the blending of consciousness at the center point of who you are… knowing this center point is knowing Christ Consciousness….it is always with you if you choose to focus on it, not as a concept but as pure experience… so cultivate your experience of this and it will be close at hand, just an intention and a focus away, at all moments in your life… then you won’t be looking for form to supply to you from the outside in but you will know that all form can supply the same experience of love and wholeness for you and so the search is over and you are free to just enjoy the uniqueness of form in each moment knowing it already contains access to the core of what you are yearning for…. each and every form experience…. one is not better then the other in delivering that experience but if you experience your wholeness and surrender to that loving embrace from God the formless, then you will co-create much beauty and awe and expanded experiences, not just for you but for all of creation to enjoy.