Episode 78: Z. Z. Wei Part 1

Episode Artwork
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Jun 05 2024 15 mins  

Z. Z. Wei, born in 1957 in Beijing, began painting during China’s Cultural Revolution, finding solace in art amid familial and academic turmoil. He graduated from the Central Institute of Arts and Design in Beijing in 1984 and moved to the United States in 1989. The American rural landscape profoundly influenced his art, blending his Chinese heritage with new experiences. Wei’s work, rich with Americana, abstracts his perspectives and balances humor, loneliness, peace, and pain, offering a unique and timeless view of life.

View artwork by Z. Z. Wei here:


The Blue Rain Gallery Podcast is hosted by Leroy Garcia, produced by Leah Garcia, edited by Brandon Nelson, and music by Mozart Gabriel Abeyta.