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May 17 2024 11 mins  

Pentecost means 50. In other words, fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended upon the group of His followers in a bigger room adjacent to the cenacle they used for the Last Supper of Our Lord. As the scriptures narrate, the Holy Spirit descended on them under the appearance of tongues of fire. There was an antecedent strong wind that shook the dwelling. And they began to speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues meant that the listeners heard what they said in their native tongue. In Jerusalem, there were many pilgrims to celebrate the feast of the tabernacles and they hailed from all parts of the Roman empire. Hence, it was truly miraculous that these prosaic folks were understood in their native languages. Today, the Church celebrates her official birthday. She opened her doors for business, the business of getting to Heaven. So, they began to preach and administer the sacrament of Baptism. About three thousand joined the Church that day!