EP 7 (Chi.) 台灣浪點 Taiwan Surf Spots

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Feb 10 2021 18 mins  
本集跟大家介紹台灣各地的知名衝浪景點及地形,包含北海岸、宜蘭、西岸、墾丁、台東及花蓮的知名浪點。記得幫我們寫Review或語音留言給我們哦。 ❤️

In this episode, we introduce Taiwan’s well known surf spots and it’s geography, including Northern Taiwan, Yilan, West Coast, Kenting, Taitung, and Hualien. Lastly, Daisy and Cindy would love to see your review or hear your voice message about their podcast. ❤️

IG 追蹤衝浪雙椒/ Follow Surfing Sisterhood Taiwan on Instagram: https://instagram.com/surfingsisterhoodtaiwan

「浪人誌 Life Surfer Issue」”台灣衝浪地圖毛巾浪” check out cute towel made by Taiwan Surf Spot Map —> https://lifesurferissue.com/6299/shop-taiwan-surfing-map

#衝浪雙椒 #SurfingSisterhoodTaiwan #DaisyandCindy #浪人誌 #浪點 #lifesurferissue #surfspot



Daisy and Cindy are passionate surfers from Taiwan. With similar background and personality, they became close friends in 2017. Join them to learn about their surf stories, knowledge, surf terms and more!

Daisy grew up in the US and Taiwan and is now working in PR & event. Cindy grew up in Israel, Canada, and Taiwan and is now working as freelancer and English teacher. They started surfing regularly since 2017.