Season 2: Episode 15 - (YOUTH) Creativity & Poetry with Cydney Brown and Guest Cohost Kysiir

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Jan 14 2022 39 mins  

Cydney Brown is the Philadelphia Youth Poet Laureate and author of “Daydreaming”. She is a senior at Abington Friends School and has been writing poetry since she was in 5th grade. Cydney also enjoys leading her mentoring program Project G.O.O.D. (Girls Overcome Obstacles Daily), baking, teaching children tennis and posting on her poetry account @cydtalks. Cydney wishes to inspire people to speak their truth and share her poetry with the world.

References from this episode:

Cydney Brown (, (

Abington Friends School (

"Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost (

Maya Angelou (

Toni Morrison (

"Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella" (


Michael Crawford, PhD (, (

Dr. Jane Shore (

School of Thought (

Revolution School (

Community of Thought Gatherings (

Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS) (

Michael Lipset, PhD of PassTell Stories (

Music from Digi G'Alessio CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 (