How to Achieve Financial Freedom | SPILL THE SAUCE with Annie Cole (84)

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Jul 24 2024 16 mins  

Are you ready to take control of your financial future? What if you could learn the secrets to financial freedom from someone who’s successfully transitioned from a corporate VP to a thriving financial coach?

In today's Spill the Sauce series, host Jessica Fiesta George chats with Annie Cole, founder and coach at Money Essentials for Women. Annie shares her incredible journey from a startup VP to becoming a successful financial coach. Learn practical tips on transitioning from corporate life, achieving financial freedom, and entrepreneurial insights.

Key Takeaways:

Transition to Entrepreneurship:

  • Annie transitioned from a corporate VP role to financial coaching by initially consulting for her former employer.
  • Emphasizes the importance of testing business ideas and having a safety net before making a full transition.

Climbing the Corporate Ladder:

  • Work out loud: Make your contributions visible to the organization.
  • Tie your work to organizational goals: Align your tasks with the company’s main objectives.
  • Advocate for yourself: Don’t hesitate to ask for promotions and raises.

Starting Money Essentials for Women:

  • Inspired by the lack of accessible financial information for women.
  • Focus on creating a one-stop shop for all financial education needs.

Marketing and Business Advice:

  • Work with mentors and coaches for guidance and accountability.
  • Understand your target audience and create irresistible products that solve their problems.

Financial Audit for Clients:

  • Starts every client relationship with a comprehensive financial audit using her Ultimate Personal Tracker spreadsheet.
  • Helps clients get a clear picture of their finances and identifies gaps between their current status and financial goals.

Connect with Annie Cole:

Connect with Jessica Fiesta George:

Special Shoutout:

Thank you to our sponsor, The Spicy Gnome, @thespicygnome supporting this episode. Check them out for some fiery hot sauces!