Rod Dixon and KiDSMARATHON

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Jun 12 2020 30 mins  
For over 15 years, Rod Dixon was among the world’s best middle distance runners, winning medals at the Olympics, World Cross Country Championships, 1500 meter Champion of the United States, France, Great Britain & New Zealand, and Champion of the 1983 New York City Marathon.

What Rod experienced and remembered most as a boy, a visit from Sir Edmund Hillary to his school, that visit instilled Inspiration, Empowered Rod Dixon to Achieve success in running the hills and trails outside of Nelson, New Zealand, and that Inspiration, the thrill of competition, team work, fitness and health are the legs of the KiDS Running and Nutrition program he created in 1990 in New Zealand to inspire the next generation, a promise he made to Sir Edmund in 1972.

KiDSMARATHON is designed as an “In-School” 8 - 10 or 40 week Run Club/Daily Mile program for elementary age school children. The essential components of the program, “Healthy Connections” nutrition education - healthy eating, training tips, and running skills for the duration of the program. The “Final Mile” is a celebration of their achievements where they are awarded a finisher shirt and replica medal from a race that Rod Dixon has participated in.