Iron Girl Nadia on Finishing Strong

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Jun 05 2020 30 mins  
Native from Los Angeles, Nadia Ruiz is an educator, coach, and speaker aiming to make a change in her community by motivating and inspiring individuals of all backgrounds to achieve their goals. Nadia's fitness journey began when she stepped on the start line to her first marathon at the age of 14.

Crossing the finish line with her father for the first time transformed her and she fell in love with the sport. Twenty-two years later, she has completed 145 marathons with 75 Boston Qualifiers, 100 half marathons, 16 full and half Ironmans, 16 ultra marathons, and several adventure races, frequently in the top of her age group or overall women. She has traveled the world to 27 countries exploring challenging events, cultures, and connecting with people around the world to now almost reaching 500 lifetime races.

Graduating from UCLA with a Bachelor's in Biology, Master's in Education, and CA Biology Teacher's credential, she has taught, coached, and worked in event production for the past 15 years. In 2013, Nadia was named the Youngest Latina to Run 100 Marathons in the world. In 2020, racing, travel, and events have come to a stop; however, she continues to try to educate and inspire her online community as she recreates herself in a changing industry.

Nadia's goal is to continue to inspire her community and make an impact as a coach, speaker, and athlete demonstrating we each have it within us to follow our biggest dreams.