Dean Kroetsch Boston Marathon Experience

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Aug 28 2020 30 mins  
Dean Kroetsch is in his Mid-fifties, happily married father of four, grandfather of one J. Active all my life in recreational sports but I don’t really consider myself an “athlete”. I do take pride in being in it for “the long run”; married to the same beautiful woman for 32 years. I’ve worked for the same company and career for over 36 years. And I run long distance races fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada through Team In Training.

​​I ran some cross country when I was in junior high school but not since. My daughter Brianne got me back into running in 2014. We went in a half marathon in Calgary where I saw the table for Team In Training.
​​My Dad is a leukemia survivor. Bone marrow transplant in 1990. Still alive today. 14 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren he wouldn’t have experienced were it not for the research done and the patient care given to him. I help fundraise so others can live lives of victory.