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Mar 29 2021 91 mins  

The final episode in the pilot season of the Very Eerie, Extremely Wicked, and Quite Spooky podcast. This season has been all about the perplexing world of cults and how they may start off as welcoming communes that bring peace but eventually turn into something more sinister or vile. Unlike the previous cults we have discussed, Heaven’s Gate falls on to a different spectrum. It didn’t have scandals or allegations of abuse that led to its downfall. It didn’t have a siege or was claiming to be something it was not. Heaven’s Gate was an American UFO religious cult that believed they would be taken to a extra terrestrial spacecraft when they received a ‘sign’. That ‘sign’ came in 1997 when Comet Hale-Bopp passed Earth on its path toward the sun. What did the members do ? Find out when Raven & Rhe dive deep into the rise and fall of Heaven’s Gate to close out the pilot season.