#124 - Want to Protect Your Marriage? Stop These 4 Dangers from Ruining Your Relationship!

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Jun 17 2023 24 mins   2

I’m guessing you probably lock your front door at night, right?

Do you lock your car when you park at the store?

Maybe you don’t struggle with thoughts like “I better not sit with my back to the door” or “What’s the plan if there’s an intruder or a mass shooter” like I do, but I’m sure in today’s society it’s a bit more prevalent than it was even 3 years ago.

You’re on guard. You’re more vigilant. You’re even leary and skeptical, at best: you’re prepared and on high alert, ready for anything.

What about in your marriage?

Are you just as protective of it as you are your house? Do you have a routine and habits in place to safeguard it, “locking doors” relationally as you do physically?You might be able to list a few dangers you know you could recognize quickly… but are you aware of both internal and external threats?

I know you want to protect your marriage from things that could destroy it or tear it apart.

I can tell you these are 4 dangers I wish I would’ve been more aware of before they wrecked mine… and they might be causing damage to yours right now.

Loads of Love, Lydia

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