Travel Grind - 50+ Years in Travel with Steve Ridgway

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Feb 12 2021 39 mins  

In our inaugural episode, industry veteran Steve Ridgway reflects on surviving 50 YEARS in the travel business, and still going strong. 

We touch on how he fell into the job, what’s made him stick with it for this long, and why he doesn’t feel like it’s a big surprise that someone has stayed in travel for the long haul. 

Then, without trying to make him feel too old, we talk a little bit about what travel was like when he got started and how things have changed, about some of the technology (or lack thereof), and even get into some predictions for the future of the travel industry. 

Hopefully you can glean a few insights into the what, why, and how of it all during our short conversation, though I’ll tell you right up front that he saves what’s probably the key ingredient for the very end... 

Check out what he's been up to lately at