07-06-24 Menyentuh Hati Kudus: Menemukan Ketenangan dan Pemulihan dalam Kasih Yesus

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Jun 06 2024 4 mins  
The Most Sacred Heart "Jn 19:31-37"

One of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water...For these things took place that the scripture might be fulfilled, "Not a bone of him shall be broken." And again…"They shall look on him whom they have pierced." The whole month of June is devoted to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus because of today's Solemnity. In the Gospel Jesus asks us to bring our burdens to Him, place them in His Most Sacred Heart and find rest in It. We could say that this feast has two aspects: on the one hand gratefulness for the wonders of God's Love for us, and on the other, reparation, because our response to that Love is often so poor. Our Lord appeared to St Margaret Mary Alacoque, showing her His Most Sacred Heart and saying: 'See this Heart that has loved men so much and has spared itself nothing until it has exhausted itself and consumed itself in order to show them its love. I receive in return scarcely anything but ingratitude because of their irreverence and sacrileges, and because of the coldness and disdain they show towards Me in this sacrament of love'. One day in the 8th century A.D. as a Basilian monk was saying Mass, he doubted Jesus' Real Presence in the Eucharist. Suddenly the Host changed into live Flesh and the Wine changed into live Blood. The miracle has been kept in the town of Lanciano ever since. In 1981 Professor Linoli and his team conducted a scientific investigation. Many astonishing facts came out of those tests. One of the most remarkable ones was that the Flesh, that had been preserved without any human procedure or chemical product for more than 12 centuries, proved to be a part of a human Heart. In Holy Communion we touch the Sacred Heart and we can comfort Jesus and so, in some way, return His love for us. Today is a day of reparation. Let's turn to Mary for help: Mary, my Mother, today I also want to console Jesus with you; help me to make up, with my love, for the lack of gratitude of men and women and help others to "look on him whom they have pierced" with their sins.