19-06-24 Melayani Sang Raja Sejati: Menuju Hati yang Murni

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Jun 18 2024 4 mins  
Wednesday 11th week in ordinary time

"Mt 6:1-6, 16-18"

"Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them...Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you."

You, Lord, are 'my audience'. Help me to do everything only for You, always. May I never be worried by what others think about me... only about what You think. Considering what others think of me, of my work, my deeds or my appearance is a waste of time, of peace, of humility and of every virtue. Not worrying about any opinion of me except God's one sounds good - but it's not easy.

Pope John Paul I wrote the following story about a cook called John: He slaughtered a calf and threw the entrails into the yard where some dogs ate them, and said: 'He's a good cook; he cooks well.' Some time after that, John was shelling peas, peeling onions; he threw the husks into the yard and the dogs rushed over again, but, sniffing scornfully, they said: 'The cook is spoiled; he's worthless now.' John, however, was not upset by this opinion; he said, 'It is the master who must eat and enjoy my meals, not the dogs. The master's appreciation is enough for me'."

Narciso Yepes, a concert guitarist, said once in an interview: "almost always, the one I really play for is God ... I said 'almost always' because there are times when, through my fault, I can get distracted in the middle of the concert. The public does not notice. But God and I do". Then the interviewer asked him: 'Does God like your music?' "He loves it!" exclaimed the guitarist "More than my music, what He likes is that I give Him my attention, my sensitivity, my effort, my art ... my job. And besides, to play an instrument the best you can and to be aware of the presence of God is a wonderful way to pray, to worship. I have experienced it so many times!" It raises the question: What about me? Does God like my works? If I do them for Him, He certainly does. Mary, my Mother, help me to do everything for God's glory, so that He may love my work!