21-06-24 Filter Jiwa: Memilih Apa yang Masuk dan Mengubah Hidup

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Jun 20 2024 4 mins  
Friday 11th week in ordinary time "Mt 6:19-23"

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is not sound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!" Watch what you watch! Because through the eyes you feed your soul. Someone has compared the human heart to a food processor. It has many functions (steaming, emulsifying, blending, mixing, milling, whipping, kneading, chopping, grinding, stirring…) If you put in lemon and ice, you get lemon slush; if you put in good fruits you get good juice; with vegetables you can do creams and soups. But if you put in soil and dirt and sticks... that's disgusting, unhealthy and inedible. Protect your heart by guarding your sight: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Those who don't guard their sight may see many things... but not God. To see God you need to watch what you watch! This may be demanding at times. We have to be prudent, because, as St Peter explains, "the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour." We have to be on the watch to be prudent and determined not to play with temptations. If we know that there are thieves in a dark alley, we won't go that way… If we know that the devil will make trouble when we use the internet in this place, or watch TV at that time or talk with friends about that topic… we don't go there. A young lad was always trying to change the topic of his friend's conversations. Every time one of them started talking about girls without respect, he would ask, "Did you watch the football match at the weekend?" If they said 'No', he would start explaining it; if they said 'Yes', he would ask them to explain it to him. One day a friend confronted him: "Why do you always change the topic when we talk about girls?" Can you imagine the answer? He quickly replied, "Did you watch the football match on Sunday?!" Mary, Virgin most Pure, help me to be pure and determined to avoid any situation that can lead me into temptation.