The Megaphone Podcast :: Episode 014 :: Put the Cup Down

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May 26 2021 28 mins  

You can't pour from an empty cup. That's true, but also the worst "advice" anyone could give you. Oh wait, that was me! I gave you that advice for years, but I WAS WRONG. I just recently learned that if we're truly going to experience life (like, really full and wonderful living) then we are going to have to put the cup down. We were not called to be cup-pourers, but overflow-ers. In this episode, the first of a 13-part series, Jen and I chat about how we're getting this wrong and open up the conversation to really address what it looks like to get it right. Here's a hint: The answer is the same name as the Deeply-Rooted Devotional I just wrote for you. Did I give too much away?! Gosh, I hope not! You'll love this episode if you're exhausted, defeated, and feel like there's just never enough of you to go around. It's time to put the cup down, pick the Bible up, and start working with God to grow some deep roots! xoxo, Lisa

The Deeply-Rooted 12-Day Devotional Journey is available in a digital download and a hard copy. Take your pick, and get super intentional about growing those roots.