The Megaphone Podcast :: Episode 015 :: Rest FROM Love

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Jun 02 2021 29 mins  

We're in a 13-week series called Deeply-Rooted, working through Lisa's Deeply-Rooted Devotional, available to you RIGHT NOW at so you can work with us! This week, we're all about growing the root of rest. For this and the next 3 episodes, we'll be working from this insanely challenging and inviting quote from author and pastor Kris Vallotton. 

“Revival rest is operating out of a sense of worthiness and well-being because of what Christ already purchased for us on the cross. Revival rest looks like working from love, rather than for love. Working from acceptance rather than for acceptance. Working from approval rather than for approval. Working from identity rather than for a destiny.”

What does it actually look like to live from love? To show up in your everyday believing the truth that you are fully loved already?

If you want to grow this root of rest and experience it in your day-to-day, you’ll have to flip the script and begin showing up love instead of working your tail off for the possibility of someone else’s love or positive opinion.

God loves you unconditionally and has already secured your identity as His Daughter. There’s nothing you could say or do to make Him love you any more or less. Working, playing, loving, and living that truth is a divine posture change that will produce a healthy, overflowing rhythm of rest in your life.

Jump into this conversation, and share it with a friend! 

P.S. Have you joined Fight Club Summer Session yet?! I bet after you listen to this episode, you'll just KNOW you're someone worth fighting for!  Starts June 14, 2021 and is only $10!