The Megaphone Podcast :: Episode 017 :: Rest FROM Approval

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Jun 15 2021 30 mins  

We're in a 13-week series called Deeply-Rooted, working through Lisa's Deeply-Rooted Devotional, available to you RIGHT NOW at so you can work with us! This week, we're all about growing the root of rest. For this and the episode, we'll be working from this insanely challenging and inviting quote from author and pastor Kris Anthony Vallotton.   

“Revival rest is operating out of a sense of worthiness and well-being because of what Christ already purchased for us on the cross. Revival rest looks like working from love, rather than for love. Working from acceptance rather than for acceptance. Working from approval rather than for approval. Working from identity rather than for a destiny.”  

Making choices the for approval of others is a short-term “fix” that disguises a much deeper need for hope and healing. What can you do to change that?

You are fully approved by your Heavenly Father. He created you to enjoy this truth as you go to work as your best, love those around you as your best, and invite others into this genuine relationship with Jesus so that they, too, can discover the peace that comes with becoming who they were created to be. Using the gifts and talents that God has so generously given.

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