The Megaphone Podcast :: Episode 020 :: Rediscover Your Character

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Jul 07 2021 23 mins  

Who do you think you are, anyway?

No, seriously. Who are you? Do you know? Do you know what God's character has to do with your own? Whether the answer is yes, no, or somewhere in between, you are going to love (and also be challenged by) this episode. Jen and I talk about the trap of running around your life like a chicken with your head cut off trying to please others or prove yourself. Are you (accidentally or intentionally) disconnecting from the heart of God so that you can be everything to everyone?

Yikes. These are tough questions, with some really great insight, answers, and action steps!

If you haven't already, purchase your copy of Deeply-Rooted 12-Day Devotional Journey and follow along (ahem, do the work) with us!