The Megaphone Podcast :: Episode 021 :: Rediscover Your Relationships

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Jul 14 2021 33 mins  

Feel like you're doing too much? Life is just so crazy? Sometimes you can't even think straight? Yeah, same. 

But here's the's possible (ahem, highly likely and yes I'm talking to you) that you're taking on extra roles and responsibilities within your relationships. Things you just were never meant to take on. I talk about my not-so-flattering-but-its-the-ugly-truth nickname and Jen admits a totally ridiculous, but very real and recent situation where her control took over and she ended up in the exact opposite situation she wanted to be in.   

You're going to love/hate this episode in our Deeply-Rooted podcast series. It's never too late to get your own copy of the Deeply-Rooted 12-Day Devotional at and work through it alongside us!