4. Kaneez Surka: Let Her Do

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Sep 26 2021 69 mins  

South African born stand up comic, actor, vlogger, and improv star Kaneez Surka grew up in a former apartheid Bantustan (The Republic of the Transkei) before embarking on a gap year to India. 

Eighteen gap years later she visited my house to discuss her remarkable trajectory to Indian fame, how we both landed up presenting the same titled show on different continents, and her shameful lack of cricket knowledge. 

Unfortunately my hopes of expanding my repertoire of Hindi swear-words remain unfulfilled, along with my intention of establishing how I, as a forty-four year old cisgender heterosexual white male could become an Indian YouTube Star. Other than that we had a lot of fun. 

Please enjoy this conversation with my long lost chaddi buddy, the fabulously talented Kaneez Surka. 

Find Kaneez @kaneezsurka on all socials. 

Watch her in “Ladies Up” and “Comedy Premium League” on Netflix, and/or “Comicstaan” on Amazon Prime. 

Check out her YouTube vlog here. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6a7TnbzoeggcDscJBrR0kw/featured)