Stars End S5E4 - The Podcast is a Powerful Dispenser of Odors

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Mar 03 2024 72 mins   3

We talk about chapters 13 through 16 of Foundation's Edge.

We're finally up to the episode where we reveal that Apple TV's Foundation has been renewed for season 3! Not exactly ripped from the headlines.

Also, the Great and Glorious Az wants us to know that, like spaceships, other planets have their own distinctive odors.

⁠It's true!⁠ Captain Kirk could have faced the Gorn on the Moon as astronauts tell us that moondust smells like gunpowder. The atmospheres of Venus and Mars contain hydrogen sulfide, which smells of rotten eggs. Ew. Lucky for you if you took off your helmet on either planet you'd be too busy suffocating or bursting into flames to notice the stench. You get the idea.

Still, I'm just happy that this olfactory dissertation doesn't overlap with the exhaustive explorations of restrooms.

So we talk about "University," "Forward," "Gaia-S," and "Convergence" from Foundations Edge. There's a nice bit about The Five Sisters, a pentagonal constellation as seen from Sayshell, that plays an important part in the plot. It reminded Joseph of "Constant as the Northern Star" one of Asimov's science essays from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction which was collected in Of Matters Great and Small. And we go on a bit of a lengthy, but fun. digression.

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