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Mar 22 2022 17 mins  

You have to heal that inner child before you can function correctly as an adult.” Christina knew after her second divorce that it was time to heal and break free from her past so that she could create the life she’d always wanted and expected. Through that process, she began to let go of the “strong woman” front, reveal some vulnerability, and be honest with herself about the mismatches that had occurred.

In this episode, Kim Hoertz introduces Christian Parish, who is a former divorcee who turned her past into her passion for becoming a Divorce Coach who helps other women heal and gain clarity about what they want their lives to look like post-divorce.

Christina expresses the hardest part was navigating why she was going through divorce (again) and how she began to dig deep [7:18]

Others’ lack of respect for your boundaries and your decision to pursue divorce is not being  supportive [10:04]

Christina’s program MOVE assists women in navigating their way through and after divorce to ensure they’re equipped for what lies ahead [10:03]

You need to avoid repeating the cycle in order to develop clarity and find yourself; not only for yourself but for your children. An important aspect of self-confidence is being able to stand on your own two feet without interference from others.

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