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Jun 14 2024 1 mins  


How easy is it for you to make decisions? Some people find it very easy to make decisions - whether they are very small ones like choosing what to wear or very big ones like deciding on a major purchase. For others it's the other way round: even choosing clothes in the morning takes an enormous amount of time and in the end a decision is made under time pressure but perhaps only with shared conviction. That's how different we are. One is not better than the other; at most a little quicker, but the consequences have to be borne in both cases and the risk of a wrong decision or consequential difficulties that were unforeseeable at the time of the decision remain with both. I find it interesting how the Bible advises decisiveness in such cases: both Joshua when taking the land and Salomon when building the huge temple are advised to proceed courageously and decisively. I wish the same for you!

I wish you an extraordinary day!